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时间:2024-07-16 03:51:47 来源: 法律资料网 作者:法律资料网 阅读:8157
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As the minor crime situation worsing, many countries pay more attention on it,the related public figure from the psychology, the sociology, the jurisprudence and so on many discipline analyses the reason of the minor crime in abundance, try to seek the effective remedy of it,in order to maintain the society stability and harmonious.
Looking over the criminal activity law in our country,the minor crime is refered to that people who reaches 14 years old but less than 18 year-old has the criminal capacity minor do behavior that is criminal and serious damage the society. Because of the present minor crime penalty system is maked by the grown-up perpetrator penalty system foundation with slightly revise, it has certain malpractices is not suitable in the underage perpetrator.for example,only removed the death penalty in the establishment which the punishment planted to juvenile prisoner's being suitable, regarding the life imprisonment, the control and other principal penalty have not maked any adjustment;it has removed the people who is only 14 year old of below minor's legal responsibilities absolutely out of the suitable body;on the aspect of penalty, it still does not regard the lenient punishment scope as well as the situation stipulated explicitly, simultaneously it has not removed the accumulative offense to underage perpetrator's being suitable;carrying out the penalty with regardless of sentence and parole,it has stipulated the same condition as the grown-up commit', and the non-penalty punishing solely stodgy.Overall,regardless of the penalty's establishment, the deliberation and the carring out,it overemphasizes compulsory and severe of the penalty, pursues to crack down on the crime one-sidedly the goal,and neglects the underage perpetrator's human rights protection.
In order to study the concept of the underage crime and the penalty system's foundation of the minor crime, this article proposes the value of the penalty systems orientation educating the transformation primarily by unifing the minor body and mind the particularity,and belive the purpose premise should move downwards. Intense the base contacting corporal punishment's and ultimateness analysing a penalty, analyse the current criminal world legislation trend in depth , base self on guarantee human rights , the lawful rights and interests defending a juvenile prisoner , do one's utmost to propose that the penalty is gently slow melt, advocate committing a crime to immaturity currently in effect person penalty system applies to the main body range from kinds of punishment applying to , penalty , the penalty cuts aspect such as amounts and Carrying out the punishment set about giving adjustment,building the penalty system which is suitable for adapts ,restricting the life imprisonment of field suitable f , perfecting the regulation controlling punishment , applying to take punishment into custody, applicability expanding fine punishment's.Simultaneously ,expanding penalty's breadth, limiting the stipulated age to 12-14 year-old minor legal responsibility.,Implementing the criminal record to eliminate the system.Rethinking the punishment aspect relevance to regulation profoundly, relaxing the juvenile prisoner dure the period of applying to a conditional release and reducing the penalty sentence by , encouraging juvenile prisoner turn over a new leaf ,and walking up society soon.Dealing with the penalty specifical ly for mistake currently effect unitary, laking of operatability for a characteristic by force , interposing variety assorting , supporting from various way realizing "punishment with the purpose of reform and education to strike and keep within limits to commit a crime, defend an immaturity committing a for the crime people's physically and mentally healthy , guarant the human rights , and boost harmonious aspect of society stability.

Key words:the minor crime; the system of minor crime; penalty function; the elimination of criminal record; penalty leisure.

导论 7
第一章 未成年人犯罪刑罚制度概述 8
一、未成年人刑罚制度的内涵 9
(一)未成年犯罪的概念 9
(二)未成年人犯罪刑罚制度的定义 10
(三)未成年人犯罪刑罚制度的渊源与发展 11
二、未成年人犯罪刑罚制度的功能 12
(一)刑罚功能与目的 12
(二)未成年人犯罪刑罚制度功能的转变 13
第二章 我国未成年人犯罪刑罚制度之反思 14
一、我国未成年人犯罪刑罚制度制刑现状之剖析 15
(一)明确规定对未成年犯罪人不予适用死刑 15
(二)刑罚制度适用对象为已满14周岁的未成年人 15
二、我国未成年人犯罪刑罚制度量刑现状之分析 16
(一)从宽处罚原则可操作性不强 16
(二)量刑标准较具体明确 16
(三)累犯效力适用于未成年犯罪人 17
三、我国未成年人犯罪刑罚制度行刑现状之评析 18
(一)缓刑制度适用条件苛刻 18
(二)免刑制度存在立法空白 19
(三)减刑与假释未予放宽适用 19
(四)非刑罚处置措施单一 19





  丁石孙   丁关根   于永波(满族)      于淑珍(女)
  马开明(彝族)      马 军   马启智(回族)
  马忠臣   王云龙   王云坤   王乐泉   王光英
  王兆虹(女) 王 克   王怀远   王宋大   王忠诚
  王 涛(女) 王家福   王维澄   王朝文(苗族)
  王瑞林   云布龙(蒙古族)     毛如柏   亢龙田
  尹克升   尹 俊(白族)      甘子玉   布 赫(蒙古族)
  卢功勋   叶文玲(女) 叶连松   叶叔华(女) 田玉科(女,土家族)
  田纪云   史来贺   白成亮(哈尼族)     白恩培
  冯之浚(回族)      冯苏祥   成思危   曲格平
  朱开轩   朱清时   朱添华   朱森林   刘长瑜(女)
  刘方仁   刘汉章   刘亦铭   刘志艳   刘 玠
 刘明祖   刘 珩   关广富(满族)      江泽民
  许嘉璐   孙 英   孙鸿烈   严义埙   杜青林
  李长春   李兆焯(壮族)      李伯勇   李明豫(女)
  李泽民   李建国   李经纬   李玲蔚(女) 李铁映
  李梦九   李淑铮(女) 李登海   李瑞环   李 蒙
  李 鹏   杨长槐(侗族)      杨正午(土家族)
  杨国庆   杨 忠   吴长淑(朝鲜族)     吴阶平
  吴官正   吴康民   吴瑞林   吴德馨(女) 邱健行
  何厚铧   何鲁丽(女) 何椿霖   邹家华   汪家鏐(女)
  沈辛荪   张丁华   张万年   张立昌   张健民(满族)
  张绪武   张皓若   陆佑楣   阿木冬·尼牙孜(维吾尔族)
  阿勒布斯拜·拉合木(哈萨克族)    陈光毅   陈丽龄(女)
  陈明义   陈奎元   陈铁迪(女) 陈难先   陈章良
  陈焕友   陈滋英   奉恒高(瑶族)      范敬宜
  林永年   林 墉   岩 庄(傣族)      罗尚才(布依族)
  帕巴拉·格列朗杰(藏族) 周光召   周 强   孟富林
  赵志浩   胡亚芳(女,高山族)   胡光宝   胡锦涛
  柳随年   侯宗宾   姜春云   姜恩柱   洪绂曾
  热 地(藏族)      贾庆林   顾昂然   顾诵芬
  铁木尔·达瓦买提(维吾尔族)     徐有芳   高德占
  郭振乾   陶驷驹   黄启璪(女) 黄 菊   曹 志
  曹伯纯   常沙娜(女,满族)    尉健行   彭珮云(女)
  彭楚政(土家族)     董喜海   蒋正华   蒋洁敏
  惠永正   程思远   傅全有   傅铁山   舒惠国
  童 傅   曾庆红   曾建徽   曾宪梓   谢世杰
  谢铁骊   虞云耀   嘉木样·洛桑久美·图丹却吉尼玛(藏族)
  滕 藤   颜龙安




